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What We Do


STEM Workshops

Our primary goal is to create awareness and engagement with STEM fields in underserved and/or economically disadvantaged areas, particularly for underrepresented minority (URM) students. We provide face-to-face learning experiences that demonstrate technological advancements in the workplace and the value in STEM careers. These workshops show students how the world is changing and help them understand how they will need to acquire new skills to be competitive in the future job market.


Our pilot workshop program is for underemployed adults aged 21-45 and recently unemployed adults aged 21+ who are interested in reentering the workforce or developing skills to improve their economic positions. Workshops will (1) discuss the importance of being in a “recession proof” industry (2) examine which industries in STEM continue to flourish regardless of the economy, offering job security and (3) provide exposure and guidance on training programs in these industries. Click below to see what's available and register to attend!

Image by Christina @

Postsecondary Education and Career Counseling

According to the Understanding Houston initiative, 65% of Houston-area jobs will require education past high school, and 47% will require a bachelor’s degree or higher by the year 2021. We believe every student needs to be prepared for success in college or career, and interest in and exposure to STEM fields are a primary objective for that success. Our counselors provide support and guidance to help our students identify, enroll, and graduate from technical programs. We  work with local colleges and technical schools to develop a pipeline for high school students to roll into technical programs after obtaining a high school degree. We also work with local and national corporations to establish CO-OP and Internship programs for students to obtain real world experience in potential STEM careers.

Image by Albany Capture

LBP Scholars Program

We take a “cradle to grave” holistic approach to supporting STEM education; we must meet baseline needs of the community so students can expend the energy and effort to engage in STEM learning fields and become successful entrepreneurs. Once students have been exposed to STEM opportunities and have enrolled in a STEM or technical program through our other programs, they can apply to become a “LBP STEM Scholar”. Becoming a Scholar means students receive a myriad of support while enrolled in postsecondary programs so they can be successful in school and eventually in their careers.  We also provide financial support for tuition and living expenses as well as low or no cost housing options near school campuses.

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Professor Lecturing on Stage

Entrepreneurial Mentorship

Many students in disadvantaged communities, especially URMs, lack access to successful peers or role models in STEM fields. This contributes to the feeling that STEM is unaffordable or inaccessible for these minority populations. We provide superior role models in STEM careers to inspire students to enter STEM fields as well as one-on-one mentorship with successful business owners to aid our students on their own entrepreneurial journeys. This helps create a mindset shift for our students that the optimal career path doesn’t always mean graduating from a degree program and finding a well-paying job, it can involve starting your own company or inventing a product. In essence, we want our students to seek to become employers instead of employees.  Once a student is engaged on an entrepreneurial path, we provide access to a team of accountants, lawyers, bankers, relators, and current CEOs for graduates to leverage and help create their own successful businesses.

Soup Kitchen

Community Support

We believe that in order for our community to seek education and employment in STEM fields, their basic needs must be met first. In addition to STEM programming, we also offer broad community support through holiday food drives and school fundraisers on a seasonal basis.

Programs: What We Do
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